Primary sources and secondary sources are similar in a few ways. First, they both tell history and allow for the exploration and explanation of the past, allowing the reader to understand their identity, people, societies, and why we function in the manner that we do. Secondly, both primary and secondary sources are defined based upon the subject that is being studied. Thirdly, they may or may not be reliable. However, despite all of that, primary sources and secondary sources differ greatly from each other. In definition, primary sources are materials that were either made, established, or created during the actual time period being studied. Primary sources give impressions on the readers that secondhand sources cannot simply replicate and have the ability to give us a true authentic taste of the time period. Primary sources don’t merely just give us factual information, but rather the nature and feel of the time period, which is something that often lacks with other sources. On the other hand, secondary sources are accounts of history. They are accounts of events taken place in history, or accounts of primary sources. They are written by historians. Both of these sources can be useful in studying the past. However, while studying history, one may run into the problem of second hand knowledge. Note: this is not the same as a secondary source. Second hand knowledge can be great resources, but they can be greatly removed from the original source of information, meaning that it could potentially be less trustworthy and less accurate. Important details may be left out that may play a huge role in understanding the time period. False rumor can also occur, allowing historical knowledge to get led astray, farther and farther from the truth and the reality that it was.
We care about the sources so much due to the significance of the study of history in our society. We want the information to be as accurate as possible as the knowledge and wisdom gained from history is indispensable. There are multiple different reasons why the study of history is so useful. To begin, the study of history helps us understand people and societies. Why we humans behave the way we do, why we believe in certain things, why we are the way we are. It allows us to explore the human condition. It can give us a lot of information on who we are personally and give us a sense of identity in terms of what one's family did in the past, and how that has shaped one’s present and possibly one’s future. In fact, history allows us to explore the causation effect, and how the past has a direct effect on one’s future. In addition, history allows us to find patterns and what not surround change: political, social, religious and etc. Furthermore, history can contribute to our moral understanding. It can allow you to walk in one’s shoes and see how they may have felt, developing empathy. In this way, history can help one develop open mindedness. The study of history can also give students important skills that they will not only use in their career, but also in life. For the study of history allows students to learn how to understand information presented to them, and discover presuppositions which lie behind the information, which can give us a better understanding of the time period as well. Of course, the knowledge gained from history can also be applied to travelling, and can be used as pure entertainment. All of this is why history is so vital to society, and will always remain in this way - as long as the knowledge is accurate. History gives us the knowledge and the resources to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us better for the purpose of a better, brighter future.