The story concerning the Rape of Lucretia served an important and pivotal focus back then, as it continues to today. For instance, this story is utilized as a symbol of her brave resistance to the oppression of Roman tyranny, which in result enacted the historical revolt against the Roman monarchy. For her life was representative of what it’s like living under tyrant living. Although we today may never have to experience all the brutality Lucretia did, this gives us a sneak peek into how rough it would be to live under this type of oppression, allowing us to emphasize with her for all the pain she had to endure. It is still unclear whether Lucretia is a real person or in contrast a mythical figure - yet the effect still impacts us the same - it makes us not want to live under this rule.Her story heavily emphasizes the excess and the negative effects of tyrannical power, creating a need for a need for a new civil order. One can see how cruel it is through the rape, as well as her suicide - punishing herself for allowing a tyrant rule while also sacrificing herself, in hopes of a better future in Rome. Her action choice of suicide displays some aspects of her character: independent, clever, and courageous. She acts with free will, maybe alluding to what Rome needs to do - act with free will rather than complying with the tyranny. In addition, Lucretia made a decision to commit suicide on her own - even without the input from the important male figures in her life (her father and her husband) - displaying that her opinion as a women is more important than male’s opinion. This shows her independence and also potentially alludes to Lucretia getting the idea across that women are just as capable as male counterparts to handle free will and have more power in society - an idea that was not popular under tyranny rule. Even though this story majorly impacted the past by causing the fall of the Roman monarchy and causing change for the benefit of Rome’s future, this story has some important points to carry through today. To begin, stories have the power to cause action. This story was so powerful that it moved people to not only desire change, but to go seek change. Secondly, it gives us a look into the past and why we should not ever want to go back to monarchy rule. Thirdly, it displays to us how influential suicide can be - and how suicide impacts people. It’s a sacrifice and it makes people really think and reflect on the person’s life and their decision regarding ending their life. The suicide showed the audience how committed she was to wanting better for Rome in the future and also how selfless she is. Finally ,this is a reminder of how far women have come, and how women and men should be equal in society. That women don’t need male approval as well as the idea that women are just as capable as male counterparts and hold an important role in society. Although I will argue women still have ways to go in terms of achieving equality with their male counterparts, this story exemplifies how far women have come, and also their goals for the future. Overall, this influential story is significant to not only our past, but our presence and future.